Sunday, February 22, 2009

Review A Local e-commerce Site

By looking at Malaysia's E-Commerce Habits, it is not difficult to guess that local eCommerce acceptance is being stimulated with the emergence of Air Asia. We only have one obvious local player with eBay-like auction model, other than eBay itself. Lelong has been around since 2000 and claims to have 1 million visitors per month.

What is A means of identifying is to use an international comparison that everyone is familiar with. Styled and functioning similar to the international auction site,, powers a robust and secure avenue for trading in Malaysia. The idea of an auction site in Malaysia has taken off with tremendous response. With a local flavour, members feel a sense of belonging and constantly keep in contact with the Lelong Development Team to give feedback, be it positive or negative.

Starting based on Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) transactions, is now moving to becoming a channel for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) relationships. Many distributors have realised the power of using the auction system and are now using the site to trade and grow their business.

Payments can be made through, interbank or other online transfer - 3 %( Imposed by bank), Cheque, or Bank-In Cash to account.

To conclude, we can say that e-commerce has really help companies like to boom in the cyber world and it has also become one of the most favourable way to start a business.