Sunday, February 22, 2009

E-Government in malaysia: Its implementation so far and citizen's adoption strategies


The E-Government initiate in Malaysia was launched to lead the country into the Information Age. It has improved both how the government operates internally as well as how to delivers services to the people of Malaysia. E-Government seeks to improve the convenience, accessibility and quality of interactions with citizens and businesses. Simultaneously, it will improve information flow and processes within government to improve the speed and quality of policy development, coordination and enforcement. This would enable the government to be more responsible to the needs of its citizens.

Multimedia Super Corridor ( MSC )
As far as Malaysia is concerned, the implementation of E-Government was initiated with the introduction of the MSC in 1996. The implementation of E-Government in Malaysia heralds the beginning of a journey of reinventing the government by transforming the way it operate, modernizing and enhancing its services delivery.

E-government is one of the 7 flagship applications that introduced in MSC. The objective of these flagship application are to:
- jump start and accelerate the growth of MSC
- enhance national competitiveness
- creation of high value jobs and export
- help reduce digital divide
- make MSC a regional hub and test bed

Under the E-Government flagship, & main projects were identified to be the core of E-Government applications.
The E-Government projects are:
1- Electronic Procurement (eP)

2- Project monitoring System (PMS)

3- Electronic Service delivery (eServices)

4- Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)

5- Generic Office Enviroment (GOE)

6- E-Syariah and Electronic Labor Exchange (ELX)

Adoption Strategic

Several government has taken initiatives to introduced online services for public projects, aims to increase the case and efficiency of public service to people.
Among others were:
1) Public Service Protal (myGovernment)
2) e-Tanah
3) e-Consent
4) e-Filling
5) e-Local Government (e-PBT)
6) e-Kehakiman
7) Custom Information System (SMK)
8) Pensions Online Workflow Environment (POWER)
9) training Information System (e-SILA)


Review A Local e-commerce Site

By looking at Malaysia's E-Commerce Habits, it is not difficult to guess that local eCommerce acceptance is being stimulated with the emergence of Air Asia. We only have one obvious local player with eBay-like auction model, other than eBay itself. Lelong has been around since 2000 and claims to have 1 million visitors per month.

What is A means of identifying is to use an international comparison that everyone is familiar with. Styled and functioning similar to the international auction site,, powers a robust and secure avenue for trading in Malaysia. The idea of an auction site in Malaysia has taken off with tremendous response. With a local flavour, members feel a sense of belonging and constantly keep in contact with the Lelong Development Team to give feedback, be it positive or negative.

Starting based on Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) transactions, is now moving to becoming a channel for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) relationships. Many distributors have realised the power of using the auction system and are now using the site to trade and grow their business.

Payments can be made through, interbank or other online transfer - 3 %( Imposed by bank), Cheque, or Bank-In Cash to account.

To conclude, we can say that e-commerce has really help companies like to boom in the cyber world and it has also become one of the most favourable way to start a business.

Things to take note to prevent e-auction fraud when a consumer participating in an e-auction

E-auction are being used by councils to secure batter contract terms and prices for goods and services they buy. E-auction allows councils to set up a scheduled event where companies can bid against each other to win the council's business.

Before bidding for a product, we should consider some aspects. Fraud might be conducted by customer or by sellers. Sometime consumers may send fake cheque or fake account details to the seller. But most of the fraud cases are conducted by sellers.

Tips to prevent e-auction fraud:
1- Become familiar with auction websites where we should look into the websites protection policies, never assume we are protected from auction fraud

2- Before placing a bid, learn as much as you can about the seller, but when u cant find anything about the seller, the avoid doing business with them. Never fall for promises of better deals by moving away from the original auction websites.

3- If the sellers want us to use an escrow service, we have never heard of, look into it. We have to check out the website, call up customer support.

4- Never ever give out our social security number, driving license number, credit card number, or bank account information until we have throughly checked out the seller and the escroe service.

5- If after the sale we feel the item or payment should have been delivered already, try to work it out with the seller or buyer. If at that point we feel that fraud is involved, immediately contact our state attorney general's office and the FTC at or call toll-free for help.